June 2016 will be Bulgarian Literature Month at Mytwostotinki’s – and some other bloggers and readers have announced that they intend to join. What about you – yes, YOU? (You see I can be very persistent when it comes to Bulgarian literature)
There are actually no real rules, just a few guidelines – reading and reviewing should be fun.
So, this is what I have in mind:
If you are a blogger and you want to join, publish your blog post(s) for Bulgarian Literature Month preferably in June until mid-July. It will help me to track down all participants easily when you send me a short message here, when you use the hashtag #BulgarianLitMonth2016, or when you link to this post when you publish your review on your own blog.
If you are a reader without your own blog: some book bloggers (including myself) are open to publish occasionally guest posts; so if you want to join, let me know and maybe I can publish your review here. By the way, blogging is easy and why you don’t consider to use this occasion to starting your own book blog?
And, your posts need not to be necessarily reviews, any book (and Bulgaria) related content is welcome. Your posts should be preferably in English (I won’t exclude blog posts in German or French as well).
Among all participants I will choose one that will be awarded another giveaway.
Talking about giveaways – there are two books I want to give to those who are interested. I have a copy of Virginia Zaharieva’s novel 9 Rabbits, translated by Angela Rodel, Istros 2012), a book I enjoyed very much; the other book I am giving away is a bi-lingual poetry collection: Ivan Hristov – American Poems (translated by Angela Rodel, DA Poetry Publishing 2013); I have translated some of the poems into German some time ago on this blog. This second book is a bit difficult to find outside Bulgaria and is already a kind of rarity. Just leave me a note here until 12:00 p.m. Sofia time next Saturday (May, 21) and let me know in which of the two you are interested. The winners will be announced next Sunday.
Good luck and good reading – I am looking forward to your participation in Bulgarian Literature Month 2016!
© Thomas Hübner and mytwostotinki.com, 2014-6. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without expressed and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Thomas Hübner and mytwostotinki.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
I was going to post my review of Party Headquarters next week, but instead I will save it for this event! Thanks so much for hosting this.
Excellent – thanks for participating, Melissa! Looking forward to your review.
Both giveaway books sounds fantastic as well! I would love to have either of them. I just discovered Istros books last year and their titles are great.
Your interest is noted, Melissa – the results will be published very soon.
I am interested in American Poems.J
It’s noted, John
I’m interested in participating, but will be gone for a lot of June, so we’ll have to see how it goes. At the very least, I’ll be using your list to bulk up my book wishlist.
I’d be quite interested in 9 Rabbits, too.
Thanks for participating, Jean – the results will be announced very soon.
I intend to participate. I ordered a book with three short novels by Maria Stankowa. I’m interested in both books but since my piles are far too high, I think so one else should get a chance. But thanks for your generosity.
Thanks Caroline, I am delighted you are participating. Haven’t read the book you plan to review, so I am very curious indeed.
And here are the winners: John won American Poems, and Jean 9 Rabbits; since we had only three participants I feel a bit bad that Melissa as the only one didn’t win a book – therefore I am adding one more copy of American Poems also for her.
Thanks for participating, and to the three of you: please send me an email (th@mytwostotinki.com) with your postal address. I hope you will enjoy the books!
Pingback: On Maria Stankowa’s Novella The Black Woman and the Archer – Bulgarian Literature Month | Beauty is a Sleeping Cat
Oh, yay! Sorry I’m late, I didn’t see this before; I came by to post my piece about Under the Yoke: http://howlingfrog.blogspot.com/2016/07/under-yoke.html
Thank you, Jean, for participating and for the interesting review! Unfortunately I was so busy in the last months that I couldn’t yet write down all my reviews of the books I read for Bulgarian Literature Month but I am delighted by the participation of other bloggers who joined.
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This article is really interesting. I have bookmarked it.
Do you allow guest post on your site ? I can provide high quality
posts for you. Let me know.
Sorry for the late reply; guest posts are possible on special occasions like the Bulgarian Literature Month. Will announce it again in case I am planning to repeat the experiment in 2017.